A line is the claim laid on a space.
It’s the fence that borders a property,
it’s the dashes that drop ideas onto a page.
A line is a movement that transforms what’s around it.
It’s the fault that triggers an earthquake,
it’s the path that guides you out of the woods.
A line is a dialogue of what works with what doesn’t.
It’s the vision of the oracle,
it’s the law of the land.
A line can be limit, suffocating you
and also a powerful possibility.
On this side of the line, you know you will be safe.
On that side, there are no guarantees.
Who hasn’t known the comfort of being held within a line,
of having a space of one’s own?
And who hasn’t know the fear of being torn apart by a line,
divided forever from those and that which one most loves?
On this side of the line you are a patriot,
on that side, an anarchist.
Where do you stand in relation to this line? Ask yourself this.
For at the end of the day, the line is just an idea.
And like all ideas, time will make it change.
What will you do when this happens?
Where will you draw the line?